Jason Heywood works with clients to assess different mapping needs and define how DroneView's extensive network can support those requirements, highlighting how trust and understanding are essential elements of any geospatial data acquisition project.
Connie Krampf, an ASPRS Certified Photogrammetrist with over 25 years of aerial mapping and geospatial experience has joined DroneView, expanding the LiDAR and Photogrammetry aerial mapping team
DroneView’s Jason Heywood is presenting High Accuracy Aerial Mapping at the Michigan Society of Professional Surveyors conference - Traverse City, MI Feb 16-18th
DroneView has continued to steadily grow, setting records in 2020 and again in 2021. We doubled the number of active customers, maintained our existing clients and increased revenues by over 80% during this period.
DroneView expands LiDAR and Photogrammetry Aerial Mapping team - Lucas Wilsing has joined DroneView as a Director of Client Services. Lucas was previously with Keystone Aerial Surveys, a Vexcel company and Quantum Spatial, a NV5 company.
Kevin Morgan, with over 15 years of aerial mapping and geospatial experience, joins Droneview to expand sales and business development activities
Despite the many great advances with drone technology and automated drone flight to date there is no ‘easy button’ when it comes to achieving high accuracy mapping products
The combination of imagery and LIDAR changes this paradigm, but it all comes down to accuracy, because if it’s not accurate, it's worthless, no matter what the cost is.
Jason Heywood, a Certified Photogrammetrist, has been promoted to president of DroneView Technologies. Jason has spent the past 25 years in aerial mapping and geospatial services. Jason has helped to shape and build DroneView’s aerial mapping business. His extensive geospatial expertise has helped DroneView to win projects and serve clients throughout the United States
DroneView provides high accuracy mapping and geospatial services to customers throughout the United States.
In addition to our fleet of drones (imagery and LiDAR), we also utilize
manned aircraft (imagery and LiDAR); mobile LiDAR and bathymetric mapping systems