Project Spotlight: Stockpile Inventory Measurement and Custom Reporting
Monthly Stockpile Inventory Measurement + Customized Reporting
Monthly Stockpile Inventory Measurement + Customized Reporting
Description of Work: Monthly drone image acquisition, photogrammetric processing and customized inventory reporting
Project Specs/Limits: DroneView’s MSHA trained and certified pilot and survey tech places requisite ground control points and collects aerial images from this 250 acre aggregates site. The roughly 1,000 images are photogrammetrically processed, stockpiles are delineated and volumes measured. Client’s product naming and material densities are added to facilitate customized stockpile volume and tonnage reporting.
Benefits of Drones for Stockpile Measurement:
Equal to or better than LiDAR survey methods
Considerably lower cost than traditional survey methods
Reports provided within 24 – 48 hours of inspection
Eliminates the need to climb on stockpiles – significantly improves employee safety, MSHA compliance and reduces site insurance costs
Improve Decision Making and Planning
Having confidence in the accuracy of your volumetric data allows you to plan smarter and make better decisions with fewer end of year accounting adjustments.
Quick Data Collection
Save significant time and labor – collect an entire site’s data in hours not days
Measure Daily, Monthly, Quarterly and/or Annually
Improve Operating Efficiency and Profitability
Lower internal labor costs and increase inventory knowledge in order to reduce costly stock outs. Utilize your company personnel for their highest and best use which often is not volumetric measurements.
Eliminate Inventory Adjustments and Write-offs
Frequent and Accurate Stockpile Measurements eliminates surprise adjustments
Reduce Capital Expenditures
Eliminate the need to purchase expensive survey measuring equipment
Improve Reporting to Banks and others
Accurate, documented material inventory readily available to support financing
Streamline Inventory Material Audits
Readily available, documented, independent third party inspection with audit history of all material inventories