Project Spotlight: Solid Waste Landfill
Project Spotlight - Solid Waste Landfill.jpg
Description of Work: Drone aerial image acquisition and topographic mapping of 800 acre landfill operation
Project Specs/Limits:
UAV data collection for entire landfill operation - both active cells and undisturbed areas - using Sensefly eBee RTK - approximately 2,400 images
Place and measure requisite ground control points and check shots - approximately 30 points
Photogrammetric processing - Pix4D software
Airspace volume reporting
Deliverables included:
High resolution orthomosaic - (.TIF format)
Topographic Mapping - 1"=100' scale planimetric mapping with a 1' contour interval and delivered in AutoCAD Civil 3D format
Calculations and report of total waste currently in place
Calculations and report of volume added since prior year’s mapping
Calculations and report of remaining airspace (air volume between the top of the new topo and the bottom of designed final cover)