Project Spotlight: Large Area (83,200 Acres) Piloted Imagery Acquisition + Mapping
Aerial Mapping
DroneView Technologies (Bloomfield Hills, Michigan) was contracted to provide aerial imagery acquisition and mapping services in support of a new wind farm development project for a local utility.
Services included:
New Aerial Imagery - over 130 square miles of fixed-wing manned aerial imagery acquisition - with a large format sensor
Ground Control
Aerial Triangulation
Topographic Mapping
The products delivered included:
Color and Color-Infrared Orthoimagery
Planimetric Features
Digital Terrain Model
Contours, meeting (or exceeding) ASPRS accuracy standards
All data was delivered on schedule and in a format compatible for use with AutoCAD Civil 3D and ESRI ArcGIS software. DroneView Technologies is an ESRI Business Partner.